Launch of pilot initiative for Vocational Education and Training 4.0
Vocational Education and Training 4.0 has been launched. This is the joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). Within the next two years, qualifications for specialist staff and competencies for the digitalised world of tomorrow will be systematically examined on an example basis. A wide range of projects have also been brought together under the umbrella of the initiative.
These include projects already under way such as the preliminary examination of the potential restructuring of IT occupations, the joint VW-BIBB project on operational maintenance 4.0 and the new special programme “Digital transformation in inter-company vocational training centres (ÜBS) and competence centres”.
Three additional projects are new:
Pillar 1: Occupation and sector screening
In the case of occupation and sector screening, the focus is on the analysis of selected training occupations, advanced training regulations and sectors which are already partially or fully affected by digital transformation. The goal is to create recommendations for the next steps in the organisation of initial and continuing education and training and in the further development of systemic framework conditions.
Pillar 2: Media competency
There is currently no single definition for media competency as an entry requirement and as a key competency across occupations in vocational training. Following on from the results of the BIBB research project “Use and production of media – development of media competences in vocational education and training” a definition is to be developed with the aim, on this basis, of continuing the dialogue with all those involved in education and training.
Pillar 3: Demand for skilled workers
The plan is to establish a monitoring and forecasting system across occupations and sectors from the perspective of the labour market and the demands it places on our employees. This will enable us to deduce which qualifications are needed for Vocational Education and Training 4.0.
One key aspect of the initiative is the combination of the many individual results from the particular projects and filtering out of overarching conclusions for the future design of the vocational education and training system.
The results will be disseminated by means of the involvement of social partners, public relations work, conferences and publications. The aim of Vocational Education and Training 4.0 is to contribute to the implementation of the digital agenda by means of the ongoing exchange of information between academia, policy-making and practice.
7.8.154 - VET 4.0 - Qualifications and competencies of skilled workers for the digitalised work of tomorrow
Time period II-16 to IV-18