The perspective of apprentices in the monitoring of vocational education and training policy
Providing valuable input for education policy decisions, monitoring is essential for evidence-based VET policy. But how is the perspective of trainees captured? This article shows how the perspectives of trainees are systematically captured through surveys in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany.
Virtual Book Launch Sustainability in Vocational Education and Training – National and International Experiences
What role does sustainability play in international VET cooperation? In December, GOVET published a publication on this topic in December 2024, which was developed in collaboration with 22 authors from eleven countries. GOVET is organising a virtual book launch for 29 January 2025.
3rd German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education
Under the motto "Boosting future skills and partnerships for sustainable growth", decision-makers from education, business and politics, including the education ministers from Benin, Madagascar and Nigeria, met in Berlin on 2 October 2024 for the "3rd German-African Forum on VET".
Africa Skills Week: Global cooperation for excellent vocational education and training
The BILT Bridging Event in Ghana offered a platform for political exchange in the context of the African Union’s Africa Skills Week. In Accra, discussions were held with African and international VET stakeholders: What could a global agenda for excellent vocational education and training look like?
Based on 2023 Spotlights on VET, this brochure provides a concise overview of the VET system in each country of the EU, Iceland and Norway. Next to a system chart, it outlines key features of VET as well as challenges and policy responses on two pages per country.
The Cedefop ReferNet database with detailed information on VET systems in the EU, Iceland and Norway, has been updated. It is worth taking a look at the diagrams, as they provide an excellent overview of the variety of systems in Europe; generate reports or compare by country and topic!
Transparency is crucial in shaping a European Education Area. Its aim is to facilitate communication between the different national education systems. BWP issue 2/2025 “European transparency instruments” takes a look at different instruments, reflecting their origins and relevance to VET in Europe.
New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean
At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.
BILT publication on vocational education and training in tourism and hospitality
A report and compendium of innovative practice examples have been published after a year of intensive collaboration between some 30 experts from Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as international organisations.
An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.
The broshure "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training" presents eight vocational education and training success stories of German providers worldwide. The publication is available in English.
The number of applications for recognition of foreign professional qualifications continues to rise, as the new report shows. It provides information about current developments of professional recognition in Germany and reveals both successes and remaining challenges.
From 29 to 31 May 2024, the global education scene met at eLearning Africa in Rwanda. More than 1,200 visitors from 82 countries attested to the importance of the event. The preceding iMOVE visitor programme was met with great interest and a positive response from German education providers.
Singapore: Transformation in Vocational Education and Training
Education and training in the transformation process is also of great importance to PISA champion Singapore. Mechanisms of qualification for the upcoming challenges also occupy the city state's trade unions and business community - a delegation gathered inspiration during a study trip.
The Costa Rican Ministry of Education visits GOVET
Training regulations require a lot of coordination. Many stakeholders are involved in their development and implementation. Representatives of the Ministry of Education in Costa Rica examined this issue on a study trip and exchanged ideas and views with BIBB colleagues and companies in the region.
International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Mexico
The title is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training, the standard reference for comparative research in vocational education in German.
Work-based Learning as a Pathway to Competence-based Education
Inspired by research evidence from a diversity of recent national projects, the book offers new insights in conducive factors for learning on the level of the individual subject and the work environment.
This special edition singles out some of the current subjects to be discussed within the professional community and by the interested public at national, European and international level.
Quality assurance of company-based training in the dual system in Germany
This brochure contains a structured overview of central quality assurance mechanisms which underlie the company-based part of initial training in the dual system in Germany.
Modernisation Of Vocational Education And Training
BIBB meets the challenge of the increasing globalisation, demographic change and developments in economy and technology by identifying future VET tasks, promoting innovations and developing practically oriented solutions.
The glossary is a source for terms and definitions which are used in the field of vocational education and training. Emphasis is placed on its usage in the context of the German dual system.