Research and development planning

Vocational education and training is the key to personal development and participation in society as well as being vital in terms of securing employment and competitiveness. The policy of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is that everyone should receive comprehensive and high quality vocational education and training. The research and development work carried out by BIBB contributes to the further development of the VET system.

Annual research programme

The amended Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz -BBiG) stipulates that BIBB's research is to be conducted on the basis of an annual research programme. This went into effect for the first time in 2006. While the medium-term research and development programme covers a broad range of relevant research issues and projects, the annual programme must focus on key research topics, not least due to limited resources.

The annual research programme is characterised by five general research priorities that interface with areas in which policy decisions are made. At the same time, they also represent gaps in research. These research priorities have many thematic links with one another:

  • The vocational training market and the employment system,
  • Modernisation of and quality assurance in vocational education and training,
  • Lifelong learning, permeability and equivalence of educational pathways,
  • Vocational education and training for specific target groups,
  • Internationality of vocational education and training   

Annual Research Programme of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2017: With a brief presentation of new research projects

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Ed.) | 2017

Medium-term research and development programme

The medium-term research and development programme 2017-2018 outlines the scope for the work to be performed in the next few years. The thematic areas are derived from fields of action in politics and VET practice, build on previous research work and further develop it. The medium-term research and development programme is organised around five thematic priorities, which also provide the basis for the annual research programme.

The programme is the result of an intensive discussion process with BIBB staff members, the editorial team, the BIBB Research Committee and the BIBB Research Council.