Research Data Centre at BIBB
Data Centre at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB-FDZ) prepares the microdata from BIBB research projects with data documentation and long-term archiving and makes it available to non-commercial research for its own analyses. Our website contains information on the data available and the respective conditions of use.
English documented data
The 2018 and 2012-waves of the Employment Survey and an associated supplemental survey on tasks and occupational mobility have a full documentation in English language. Another summarizing document describes all earlier waves of the Employment Surveys (2006; 1998/99, 1991/92, 1985/86, 1979). For further information please select 'employment surveys' when following the data link.
The data access button provides application forms for BIBB data and our user guidelines. If you are interested in analyzing BIBB data, please do not hesitate to send your questions/requests to
We welcome the citation of our data in all types of publications. Please click on the dataset citation button for more information.