Presentations on Dual VET in Germany
The GOVET-presentation on the German dual system is available in several languages, respectively in PDF and PowerPoint format. The presentations are subject to copyright owned by GOVET. The presentation or individual segments may only be used under the condition of naming the author GOVET.

The dual system in Germany
The presentation provides an overview of the advantages the dual system offers. The presentation is designed for people not familiar with the German VET system, so that the complexity of the system has purposely been less represented. It serves as an introduction to the subject and aims to awaken interest in deepening the understanding of the dual system.
- DE - Duale Berufsausbildung in Deutschland (Präsentation Deutsch) (PPT, 10.4 MB)
- EN - Dual VET - Vocational Education and Training in Germany (Presentation English) (PPT, 10.4 MB)
- AR - (Presentation Arabic) التعليم والتدريب المِهني المزدوج (PPT, 10.4 MB)
- CN/ZH - 德国职业教育 (中文演示文稿/Presentation Chinese) (PPT, 2.0 MB)
- ES - Formación profesional dual en Alemania (Presentación Español) (PPT, 10.5 MB)
- FR - La formation professionnelle duale (Présentation Français) (PPT, 11.5 MB)
- HEB - ההכשרה המקצועית הדואלית בגרמניה (Presentation Hebrew) (PPT, 10.4 MB)
- IT - Formazione professionale duale (Presentazione Italiano) (PPT, 10.5 MB)
- PL - Dualne kształcenie zawodowe w Niemczech (Prezentacja w języku polskim) (PPT, 6.6 MB)
- PT - Formação profissional dual (Apresentação Português) (PPT, 10.5 MB)
- UA - Дуальна професійна освіта у Німеччині (Presentation Ukranian) (PPT, 10.4 MB)
DE - Duale Berufsausbildung in Deutschland (Präsentation Deutsch) (PDF, 2.4 MB)
EN - Dual VET - Vocational Education and Training in Germany (Presentation English) (PDF, 2.4 MB)
ES - Formación profesional dual en Alemania (Presentación Español) (PDF, 2.4 MB)
CN/ZH - 德国职业教育 (中文演示文稿/Presentation Chinese) (PDF, 2.7 MB)
AR - (Presentation Arabic) التعليم والتدريب المِهني المزدوج (PDF, 2.5 MB)
FR - La formation professionnelle duale (Présentation Français) (PDF, 2.2 MB)
IT - Formazione professionale duale (Presentazione Italiano) (PDF, 2.5 MB)
PL - Dualne kształcenie zawodowe w Niemczech (Prezentacja w języku polskim) (PDF, 2.6 MB)
PT - Formação profissional dual (Apresentação Português) (PDF, 2.1 MB)
UA - Дуальна професійна освіта у Німеччині (Presentation Ukrainian) (PDF, 2.1 MB)