Presentation on VET staff in Germany
The presentation on VET staff in Germany is available in several languages, respectively in pdf and PowerPoint format. The presentations are subject to copyright owned by GOVET. The presentation or individual segments may only be used under the condition of naming the author GOVET.

VET staff in Germany
High quality VET requires qualified VET staff . The presentation examines, in particular, the VET staff in schools and companies. Moreover, it illustrates the contribution of the state and the economy concerning VET staff in Germany.
- DE - Berufsbildungspersonal in Betrieb und Berufsschule. Das Herz der Dualen Berufsausbildung. (Präsentation Deutsch) (PPT, 11.2 MB)
- EN - Vocational education and training personnel at training companies and vocational schools. The heart of dual VET. (Presentation English) (PPT, 11.2 MB)
- ES - El personal formador en la empresa y la escuela de FP. El pilar fundamental de la formación dual. (Presentación Español) (PPT, 11.2 MB)
- FR - Le personnel de la formation professionnelle en entreprise et en école professionnelle. Le cœur de la formation professionnelle duale. (Présentation Français) (PPT, 11.2 MB)
DE - Berufsbildungspersonal in Betrieb und Berufsschule: Das Herz der Dualen Berufsausbildung. (Präsentation Deutsch) (PDF, 5.6 MB)
EN - Vocational education and training personnel at companies and vocational schools. The heart of dual VET. (Presentation English) (PDF, 5.6 MB)
ES - El personal formador en la empresa y la escuela de FP. El pilar fundamental de la formación dual. (Presentación Español) (PDF, 5.6 MB)
FR - Le personnel de la formation professionnelle en entreprise et en école professionnelle. Le cœur de la formation professionnelle duale. (Présentation Français) (PDF, 6.1 MB)