International cooperation in VET: Testimonials
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, GOVET talks to decision-makers from politics and business, representatives of educational practice and trainees as well as alumni about VET cooperation with German actors.

Dual VET - Vocational Education and Training in Germany (16 languages)
The training of skilled workers in Germany's dual vocational training system is an important basis for the country's strong economy. But what does dual mean? And how exactly does dual vocational training work? In the following explanation film GOVET provides answers.

International VET cooperation (11 languages)
Many countries are interested in the German VET system. The film presents the diverse range of VET cooperation activities of the German Federal Government. It explains the objective of the German Federal Government and presents several of its projects in partner countries.

Improving Training Quality Together (DE, EN, RU)
How can the quality of training be improved? Why should one advocate for binding standards? Two films about projects within the framework of the German-Russian cooperation of the BMBF show it.

My experience abroad during vocational training (DE, EN, RU)
Why going abroad during vocational training? Karina Küster is 24 years old and a trainee hairdresser in her third year. She travelled to Moscow and took part in demonstration examinations there. In the film she talks about her experiences.

Action orientation in VET (12 languages)
Action-orientation is one of the basic principles of vocational training. It shows how the method of complete action can be conveyed. The film explains how knowledge can be taught in relation to real work processes. Six films explain how competent occupational action can be conveyed.

Trainees filming Dual VET in four countries (DE, GR, IT, RU)
Trainees in the field of media design from Germany created movies about dual VET in Greece, Italy, Russia and Slovakia. The contest was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, organized and aligned by GOVET at the BIBB.

Films about vocational training in different countries (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, RU)
We provide films on important topics of vocational training in different languages. Digitisation, action orientation, training quality and mobility are just a few examples.

Permeability in vocational education and training
What is important in the transition from school to work? Why do young people choose dual VET? What further development opportunities are there afterwards? GOVET spoke in eight video interviews with apprentices, trainers and project leaders from the field of technology.