Press releases 2016

01/2016 | 07.01.2016

Trainees continue to enjoy a positive development in their earnings

In 2015, training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose significantly for the fourth year in succession. The average gross amount earned by trainees in Germany was 826 € per month (+ 3.9 %). In West Germany earnings rose to 832 € (+ 3.7 %), in the East to 769 € (+ 4.3 %).

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51/2016 | 14.12.2016

Training market is stable

Compared to the previous year training place supply remained stable in 2016. The number of training contracts concluded with young men rose while the number of contracts with young women declined. These are the results of the BIBB analyses conducted into the development of the training market in 2016.

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50 | 23.11.2016

Job switches and structural change are accelerating

The first main interim results to emerge from the research project “Polarisation of activities in Economy 4.0 – skilled worker qualifications and skilled worker requirements in the digitalised work of tomorrow” have been presented.

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48/2016 | 16.11.2016

“Economy 4.0 needs Education 4.0”

The digital transformation of the world of work will also bring about increasing change in learning media and in company teaching and learning processes in initial and continuing vocational education and training.

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46/2016 | 09.11.2016

Young people with a higher education entrance qualification are increasingly discovering vocational education and training

For the first time, interest in entering training is higher amongst those in possession of a higher education entrance qualification than amongst those with a lower secondary school leaving qualification

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43/2016 | 27.10.2016

Despite a growth in the population, shortages of skilled workers persist

Despite a medium-term growth in the population, shortages of skilled workers can't be prevented in the long-term. According to recent studies by BIBB and IAB in the highly qualified area, the labour supply is exhibiting a stronger long-term increase than the relevant labour demand.

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42/2016 | 20.10.2016

Innovation laboratories of digital transformation

It is the aim of the eight pilot Projects that run until 2019 to investigate the effects of digital transformation on occupational profiles and to to create a joint learning and teaching platform for inter-company training.

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38/2016 | 08.09.2016

Training for refugees: Company-based involvement begins

Small and medium-sized enterprises are receptive to the education and training of refugees and aware of the particular relevance of vocational education and training for the integration of refugees in society. This is the result of a recent BIBB survey of companies.

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36/2016 | 28.07.2016

Engraving, sculpting, lasering - designing with metal

Printing plates for a banknote, stamps, signs or jewlery: The work done by engravers is omnipresent. The updated training regulation takes into account new technologies and pays greater attention to the customer relationship. The training regulation comes into force on 1 August 2016.

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35/2016 | 27.07.2016

New year of training begins with nine updated occupations

The new year of training begins officially on the 1 August with nine updated dual training occupations from “plant mechanic for plumbing heating and air conditioning systems” to “roller shutters and sun protection mechatronics technician”.

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34/2016 | 26.07.2016

Event engineering specialist: Primed and ready for all aspects of show technology

The updating of the three-year training for event engineering specialist addresses the diverse innovations, for example in presentation, image and recording technology. The training regulation comes into force on 1 August 2016.

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33/2016 | 21.07.2016

BIBB evaluation of protection and safety service staff and specialist

The evaluation of the training occupations protection and safety service staff and specialist illustrates an overall high level of satisfaction with the two job descriptions. However, they are also characterized by low success rates in the examinations and a high level of contract termination.

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32/2016 | 19.07.2016

From protective roofs to useful roofs - Roofer training updated

New working techniques, changes from „protective roofs to useful roofs“ and changes in the sector provide the background for updating the roofer training regulation. The new regulation comes into effect on 1 August.

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31/2016 | 05.07.2016

Major developments in training in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning sector

Digitalisation and sustainability gain more importance in the field of sanitary, heating and air conditioning engineering and increase demand for regulation. The new training regulation for the occupation of plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems enters into force on 1 August.

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30/2016 | 23.06.2016

„Structuring vocational education in a future-oriented way“ – 2015 BIBB Annual Report published

The 2015 BIBB Annual Report informs about substantial data, analyses and programmes from BIBB in the last year - an important foundation because: "vocational education and training must be further developed and structured in a future-oriented way" stresses BIBB President Esser.

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29/2016 | 20.06.2016

Cutting and chasing: Modernisation of training in the occupation of decorative metal worker

Spinning, cutting and chasing all constitute training contents for decorative metal workers. The modernised training regulations offer specialisms in crafting small metal items, metal spinning and metal chasing. The updated training regulations enter into force on 1 August 2016.

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25/2016 | 31.05.2016

Pilot projects on the development of sustainability of VET initiated

The pilot projects funded by the BIBB to develop sustainability in vocational education and training focus on commercial occupations und learning locations. The programme will be presented to the public for the first time during “Environment Week” by the Federal President.

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24/2016 | 24.05.2016

New knowledge for improved hearing – Hearing Care Professional training up to date

Around one in five people in Germany suffer from hearing impairment. The modernized training regulation for hearing care professionals is very demanding in terms of specialist knowledge, technical requirements and service orientation. The updated training regulation is effective as of 1 August.

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23/2016 | 28.04.2016

BIBB vocational education and training services available in Arabic

Wide-ranging information on topics relating to training and careers is both helpful and necessary for refugees, even before they gain a knowledge of German. For this reason, the BIBB is offering information in Arabic on vocational education and training in Germany – online and via an app.

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21/2016 | 27.04.2016

Facts, figures and data – BIBB publishes 2016 Data Report

The Data Report includes comprehensive information and analyses on the development of initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany. It supplements the annual Federal Government Report on Vocational Education and Training.

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19/2016 | 26.04.2016

BIBB analysis – growth in the proportion of women in “male occupations”

More female bakers and female painters and varnishers. In around 80 of 105 “male occupations” investigated by the BIBB, the proportion of female trainees has risen over the past years. A BIBB analysis conducted on the occasion of the 2016 “Girls’ and Boys’ Day” Shows an unmistakable trend.

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18/2016 | 19.04.2016

The future of IT occupations – BIBB launches online survey

BIBB has now launched an online survey in order to ensure the broadest possible participation in the process of updating the dual IT occupations. The survey is primarily directed at companies which provide training in these occupations and closes on 25 May.

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17/2016 | 18.04.2016

Higher education dropouts welcome – but no special treatment is on offer

Companies are open towards providing training to higher education dropouts. However, the vast majority of firms is against the concept of special training regulations and models for such persons. These are the results of a BIBB company survey presented in issue 2/2016 of the BIBB-Report.

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15/2016 | 05.04.2016

Large majority in favour of nationwide recognition system for competencies

Three out of four VET experts would like greater recognition of individual learning outcomes acquired outside schools, training and universities. 70 % of experts participating in the BIBB Expert Monitor survey were in favour of a uniform and nationwide recognition system in Germany.

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14/2016 | 31.03.2016

BIBB supports “Decade for Literacy” – New coordination office established

According to a study, there are around 7.5 million functional illiterates living in Germany. In order to support the "Decade for Literacy" announced by the Federal Government and Länder, the BIBB has established a coordination office.

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13/2016 | 23.03.2016

Media competency: Far more than just technical knowledge

The results of the research project Show: Many school leavers already have the technical competencies needed for working with different media. This content must be learned during education and training and should be given special status in the education and training regulations.

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12/2016 | 22.03.2016

Careers for management assistants in the skilled crafts

The new advanced vocational education and training qualification “Certified commercial business administrator under the Crafts and Trades Regulation Code (HwO)” integrates consistently within the advanced education and training concept for the skilled crafts. It enters into foce on 1 April.

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11/2016 | 17.03.2016

Qualified for the catch – Traditional commercial fisher training updated

Traditional occupation up-to-date: The education and training initially delivers overarching content and then focusses on one of the two specialisms, “Aquaculture and inland fishing” or “Inshore and small-scale deep sea fishing”. The new training regulation enters into force on 1 August 2016.

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10/2016 | 10.03.2016

A firm grip on balance sheet matters - nationally and internationally

The updated advanced training qualification of “certified management accountant” went into force. Demand for the qualification is high: 2,900 examinations were recorded in 2014. The opportunity to gain the additional qualification of “international management accountancy" is one new element.

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08/2016 | 23.02.2016

Look it up: VET terminology in German and English by the BIBB

The aim of the German-English Glossary of Vocational Education and Training Terminology is to assist VET experts with the understanding and translation of specialist texts and thus facilitate communication at an international level, an aspect of work that is becoming increasingly important.

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06/2016 | 09.02.2016

BIBB President Esser: “A systematic approach to qualification is essential”

A master plan outlining an agreed approach is required in order to manage the complexity associated with the education, training and qualification of refugees. This is underlined by BIBB President Esser in new BWP edition entitled "Migration and Refugees".

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05/2016 | 01.02.2016

Digital future in inter-company education and training centres

Applications may be submitted with immediate effect to the BIBB as part of the new funding programme "Digitalisation in inter-company vocational training centres (ÜBS) and competence centres” which has been launched by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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04/2016 | 28.01.2016

BIBB student survey: Dual training attractive for those doubtful of higher education

Around a third of students doubt that they will successfully complete higher education. According to a survey conducted by the BIBB and the University of Maastricht, about 30% believe that training in the dual system is an attractive alternative.

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03/2016 | 21.01.2016

VET „live“: BIBB at the 2016 “didacta” Education Fair in Cologne

The BIBB will be presenting information on current topics in VET and on ongoing research at the “didacta” fair in Cologne from 16 to 20 February 2016. On Saturday the neighbouring “Vocational Training Forum" offers the interactive adventure trail "Try five!"

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02/2016 | 14.01.2016

What young people look for in their choice of career

Young people are aware that occupations have an influence on future earnings potential and career prospects. With two related occupations to choose from, it is often these aspects which tip the balance. These are the results of a BIBB research project.

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