BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018
The world of work is increasingly changing. If occupational requirements of employment change, the demand for vocational education and training may also change. This survey aims to contribute to quantitative occupational and qualification research and the coverage of the world of work.
Occupation-related analyses can be used to describe and analyse the various facets of employment as well as working requirements and conditions in Germany in order to show, among other things, in which occupational fields and sectors and among which groups of people frequently described trends and characteristics of a changed world of work can be observed empirically. At the same time, this raises questions about the consequences of these changes for the vocational training system, the modernisation of existing training occupations, the development of new training occupations, and continuous training.
In addition to the occupational structure of employment, there is also a closer focus on the occupational structure of training. Until now, occupational career analyses of differently trained groups of people have mostly based on the level of training, without sufficiently taking into account the field of training. Differentiated training histories can also be better accounted for by recording multiple training instead of only the highest training qualification.
The classification of occupations and training occupations according to different systems (KldB 2010, KldB 1992, ISCO 1988, 2008) ensures a link to supplementary data sources including the microcensus surveys and the BIBB/IAB predecessor surveys. Conceptually, the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 ties in with the BIBB/BAuA Employment Surveys 2006 and 2012 and previous BIBB/IAB surveys. The questionnaire, however, was designed to address current issues. Around 20,000 employed persons aged 15 and over were surveyed in order to create a sufficient data basis for occupational differentiations.