Register of Recognised Training Occupations

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has the statutory task of managing and publishing the Register of Recognised Training Occupations (cf. BBiG § 90 Paragraph 3 Clause 3).

Words written with chalk on a blackboard

This standard work has been issued by BIBB since 1977. It describes the official state of affairs in respect of recognised training occupations and further regulations within the area of vocational education and training pursuant to the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and the Crafts and Trades Regulation Code (HwO). Information contained within the Register of Recognised Training Occupations includes duration of training, legal foundations and alignment to the reference levels of the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) for initial and advanced training occupations.

The register further lists advanced training regulations promulgated by the Federal Government and the regulations of the competent bodies for persons with disabilities together with recommendations made by the BIBB Board. Other sections of the register cover equality regulations with Austria, France and relevant schools in Germany, trainer aptitude, and the suitability of training venues.

The Register of Recognised Training Occupations also extends beyond its actual statutory remit by containing a genealogy describing the stages in development of the recognised training occupations and a Register of Competent Bodies.

The statistical section of the index presents figures on the status and quantitative development of the recognised training occupations and provides information on numbers of trainees since 1970.