Training and continuing training for inclusion

The perspective of inclusion creates new requirements for specialist staff involved in the delivery of vocational education and training (including trainers, skilled workers providing training and teachers at vocational schools). For this reason, the training of such persons has become an object of focus and discussion. The introduction of advanced training regulations for the qualifications of certified vocational educator for initial and continuing training and certified vocational educator marked a major step within the process of according recognition to the significance of quality of VET training staff.


Changes at a structural level are not the only thing that is required in order to shape inclusive education and training provision. The pedagogical attitude and specialist educational knowledge of specialist staff involved in the process are also critical in terms of implementation. These demands placed on such staff are also linked with a new quality of professionalism which calls for them to be in possession of relevant competencies.

One of the major challenges needs to be viewed as the individualisation of education and training processes, and this necessitates inclusive didactics, including in the VET sector. According to guidelines issued by UNESCO (Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education), flexible learning methods are one of the relevant factors in realising inclusion in the educational sector.

A further area which must be seen as central with regard to the implementation of inclusion in educational institutions is multi-professional team work and cooperation with stakeholders outside the organisation.

Initial and continuing training opportunities

The following examples illustrate how the first steps can be taken towards realisation of contents relevant to inclusive education within the scope of pedagogical courses of study, in teacher training, in the training of company-based trainers and in special training provision for skilled workers.

  • Additional qualifications in rehabilitation pedagogy for trainers—the BIBB Board is planning to provide additional skills in rehabilitation pedagogy for trainers by offering continuing training across a total of eight competence fields. The aim is for the knowledge acquired to be deployed within the scope of specialist practitioner training programmes pursuant to § 66 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and § 42m of the Crafts and Trades Regulation Code (HwO) in order to secure quality of training for persons with a disability.
  • Advanced training in the field of vocational rehabilitation—“the intention is that expanded employability skills will enable a certified specialist for vocational rehabilitation to carry out personalised educational and employment measures for disabled persons that will facilitate their participation in working life” (Ordinance for the examination leading to the recognised advanced training qualification of certified specialist for vocational rehabilitation).
  • Further training in integration consultancy with regard to the concept of supported employment
  • An in-service Masters programme in Inclusive Pedagogy for teachers at the University of Bremen (see links below for further information)