Vocational training preparation

The aim of vocational training preparation is to impart the basic principles for the acquisition of employability skills and thus lead to vocational education and training in a recognised training occupation.

Students working in a woodworking workshop

Vocational training preparation is directed at persons who are experiencing learning difficulties or social disadvantage and who cannot therefore at their present stage of development be expected to undergo successful training within a recognised training occupation and offers such persons comprehensive socio-pedagogical assistance and support.

Training modules

Training modules are learning units that are firmly delineated in terms of content and time and used within the scope of vocational training preparation measures. Their use is statutorily regulated in § 69 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).

Company-based training preparation

Company-based training preparation may provide transitional support to young people who are unable to progress to training directly. It also offers opportunities to the companies. JOBSTARTER projects provide support and advice.

External training management

External training management encompasses numerous areas of provision such as advice on entitlement to provide training, the selection of suitable trainees and the advertising of unfamiliar training occupations. Many JOBSTARTER projects offer these services.