Press releases 2017

48/2017 | 13.12.2017

Training market 2017: Positive developments – BIBB data in interactive regional maps for the first time

More training places offered, more young people seeking dual VET, more training contracts – but also more unfilled training places: These are the key findings of the BIBB analyses of training market development in 2017, visualized in interactive regional maps for the first time.

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47/2017 | 12.12.2017

Spotlight on VET – BIBB YouTube channels offer a wide range of films

With the new information film “Dual vocational training in Germany” which is available in 11 languages, BIBB broadens its range of videos available on YouTube. In 2017 the BIBB added more than 30 new videos on vocational education and training.

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45/2017 | 06.12.2017

Job ticket to Europe – Europass certificate supplements now also available for advanced vocational training

Advanced vocational training qualifications will now also be clearly and easily understood across Europe. Europass certificate supplements are also available for advanced training occupations und thus support cross-border learning and working.

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43/2017 | 28.11.2017

“It’s all about the trainers” – BMBF/BIBB symposium on VET 4.0

Digitalisation demands appropriate qualifications and continuing vocational education and training of teaching staff, stressed BIBB President Esser at a symposium on „VET 4.0“ in Leipzig. BIBB will therefore support a nationwide qualification initiative.

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42/2017 | 23.11.2017

Boom in the south, slump in the east

There will be a marked difference in the development of regional labour markets in Germany up to 2035. The reasons for this are different economic priorities in the regions and demographic changes. Current analyses by BIBB and IAB show this.

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40/2017 | 16.11.2017

VET – the key to integration

Improving the integration of refugees in Germany in future by means of vocational education and training will be critically dependent on providing individually-tailored training programmes of the right quality and in the right amounts. These are some of the key findings from a new analysis by BIBB.

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38/2017 | 19.10.2017

Important: school marks, work attitude and social behaviour

A company survey conducted by BIBB and the Social Science Research Centre Berlin shows what requirements companies make of applicants who hold an intermediate secondary school leaving certificate.

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36/2017 | 26.09.2017

Dual higher education study – upwards trend carries on

The latest evaluation of the BIBB database „TrainingPlus“ shows: For the first time more than 100,000 students undertake a dual course of study. A constant growth in programme provision and companies offering training places has also been recorded.

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33/2017 | 01.09.2017

Hubert Ertl is the new Head of Research at the BIBB

Since 1 September 2017, Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl has been Deputy President and Head of Research of the BIBB. He regards the stronger strategic focus of research in the BIBB and its international networking as a particular challenge.

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31/2017 | 22.08.2017

Security and good working conditions rather than a smartphone

The BIBB/BA Applicant Survey shows what young people want from their future training company: the wishes are rather conservative - and can also be fulfilled by SMEs. Most importantly, a good working atmosphere and high chances of permanent employment.

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30/2017 | 17.08.2017

Strategies and opportunities for vocational schools – BIBB analyses concepts

Vocational schools face challenges such as demographic change, digitalisation, and the trend towards higher school leaving qualifications. BIBB investigated the current situation of the learning venue and of the various approaches adopted in the federal states in a national comparison.

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29/2017 | 15.08.2017

Experts in energy distribution, network management and market analysis

The energy turnaround for an environmentally sustainable future needs specialists for energy distribution, markets and network Management. The new advanced training regulation leading to the qualification of „certified senior clerk in the energy sector“ will enter into force on 1 October 2017.

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28/2017 | 01.08.2017

Strengthening VET – Small companies and vocational schools need more support

Both policy makers and trade and industry need to adopt measures to strengthen the status of vocational education and training in Germany. BIBB President Esser emphasised this on the occasion of the start of the new training year, which officially begins on 1 August.

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27/2017 | 19.07.2017

New training year begins with 12 updated occupations

Ranging from “automobile business administrator” to “sales assistant for retail services” – The new year of training starts officially on 1 August with 12 updated dual training occupations.

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26/2017 | 18.07.2017

Perfection delivers the “perfect” sound

The new regulation of the traditional occupation "piano and harpsichord maker" enters into force on 1 August: Manual instrument making, repair, calculating costs and – a greater – emphasis on entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour are part of the new training regulation.

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25/2017 | 14.07.2017

From witches’ brooms to fine brushes – “Broom and brush maker” training regulation updated

Whether it's in day-to-day life, as a tool or in the world of art: There are about 1000 different types of brooms and brushes, from huge brooms to the finest artists' brushes. The new training regulation for the "broom and brush maker" was updated and will enter into force on 1 August.

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24/2017 | 13.07.2017

Nature as the model – Training for biology model makers updated

Everybody knows it from school: The model of a human skeleton. Biological model makers produce anatomical, botanical and zoological teaching and demonstration models. Training for this occupation was now updated. The new regulation will enter into force on 1 August.

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22/2017 | 12.06.2017

Digital translation – New advanced training regulation enters into force on 1 January

Computer-aided translation or virtual databases – such aspects are exerting an impact on the demands made of translators today. The new advanced training regulations for the qualification of certified translator takes full account of these developments.

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19/2017 | 31.05.2017

Modernisation of training in the milling and grain production industry

Contents of the previous training occupation of miller have been further developed in an updated training regulation which adds the area of storage and introduces the new occupational title of process technologist for the milling and grain production industry and enters into force on 1 August 2017.

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18/2017 | 19.05.2017

BIBB analysis: Chances for young migrants continue to fall

During the period from 2004 to 2016, young migrants were significantly less successful in securing a training place than young people not from a migrant background. Last year, progression rates fell back to the very low level experienced in 2004.

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16/2017 | 09.05.2017

More English, more security, more service

The two commercial training occupations in air transport – “Air traffic management assistants” and “Service employees in air traffic” – are taking off again. They now form an occupational group. Key importance will be attached in future to knowledge of English and security aspects.

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15/2017 | 20.04.2017

Not always just a purely male domain - men and women in technical training occupations

Despite numerous measures to increase the number of women training in technical occupations, the proportion has not in-creased in more than 20 years. However, “typically female” technical occupations definitely exist, even if it is just a few.

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14/2017 | 18.04.2017

Qualifications for refugees lead to boom in continuing education and training

The prevailing economic mood in the continuing education and training sector peaked at its highest point to date in 2016. The results of the "wbmonitor" survey by BIBB and DIE show that organisations providing qualifications for refugees saw improvements in terms of "economic mood".

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13/2017 | 12.04.2017

Automobile business administrators in the fast lane – training regulation updated

Digitalisation, networking and electromobility are accelerating the already high rate of development and innovation in the automotive sector. This is also impacting on commercial areas. The training regulation for automobile business administrators was therefore brought up to date.

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11/2017 | 05.04.2017

Young refugees have arrived in the transitional phase – BIBB Data Report published

The increase in the transition phase between school and training is mainly due to programmes supporting German language learning for young refugees and immigrants. The BIBB Data Report again provides a range of facts and figures on all areas of initial and continuing vocational education and training.

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10/2017 | 04.04.2017

BIBB President Esser: “Balanced VET necessary”

The new issue of the BIBB specialist journal “Vocational Training in Research and Practice – BWP” documents the initial results and findings on the spread of digital technology in VET. In his editorial BIBB President Esser speaks out in favour of „balanced vocational education and training“.

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09/2017 | 03.04.2017

Top 10 training occupations for 2016 – BIBB analysis on new contracts

The ten most strongly represented occupations remain unchanged from 2016 at the top of the ranking of newly concluded dual education and training contracts. While information technology specialist has climbed significantly, the number of new contracts for bank clerks went down.

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08/2017 | 27.03.2017

Updated training for footwear makers and finishers

The right footwear exists for every requirement – from high heels to fire fighters' boots. The footwear maker and finisher is an industrial occupation in shoe production. The updated training regulation will replace the existing regulation as of 1 August 2017.

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06/2017 | 07.03.2017

BIBB analysis: Learning to use media in training

For the first time, the BIBB study "Using and producing media - development of media competency in vocational education and trainingng" provides a comprehensive cross-sectional analysis of the importance of media competency across occupational and sector boundaries and also devises a classification.

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03/2017 | 09.02.2017

BIBB analysis shows: Increasing shortage of nursing and healthcare staff

A nationwide shortage in nursing and healthcare professions could occur in the near future. In 2035 labour demand would outstrip supply by around 270,000 persons. A BIBB analysis based on projections also turns its attention to possible compensatory measures.

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02/2017 | 17.01.2017

VET "live“: BIBB at the “didacta 2017” education fair in Stuttgart

Comprehensive information, workshops and discussions with experts, adventure course "try five“ for young people – the BIBB a wide range of Information on current topics relating to VET at the "didacta“ education fair to be held in Stuttgart from 14 to 18 February.

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01/2017 | 05.01.2017

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements 2016: The East is catching up

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose significantly once again in 2016 – an increase of 3.2 % in the West and 4.9 % in the East. According to a BIBB evaluation the average training allowance for the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2016 was €854 per month.

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