Strengthening cooperation between BIBB and Céreq with research visit by Dr. Alexandra Mergener

From March to the start of June 2018, Dr Alexandra Mergener (BIBB) will be participating in a guest academic researcher secondment to the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (Céreq) in Marseille.

BIBB has been cooperating with its French partner institute – the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (Céreq) – since 1990. The institute’s work in France is concerned with research and statistical investigation into vocational education and training and the labour market. This cooperation will now be further consolidated by Dr. Alexandra Mergener’s three-month research secondment.

Dr. Alexandra Mergener’s areas of research include the influences of various qualifications on the chances of young adults entering the labour market. Over the course of her research secondment, she will also present the key findings from her doctorate and current BIBB projects to colleagues at Céreq. Her involvement within the “Département Entrées et Évolutions dans la Vie Active” (DEEVA) will also enable her to broaden her understanding of the French vocational education and training system and of the French labour market. It is expected that this will be supported with data from the “Enquêtes Génération” – a survey of vocational education and training graduates in each case 3, 5 and 7 years after entering the labour market.

Networking within European vocational education and training research will be consolidated as a result of this collaboration between the BIBB and Céreq and supported with a further contribution from German-French cooperation.