Dual training in Paraguay – launch of pilot projects

Two pilot projects focussing on dual vocational education and training based on the German model will be launched officially on 10 April 2018. Around 50 trainees will receive training in accordance with dual standards over a two year period in the areas of electrical engineering and metal working.

Team BIBB, Team MoPaDual and the management of SINAFOCAL and SNPP present concepts with regard to the institutional positioning of MoPaDual to the Paraguayan employment minister, Guillermo Sosa Flores (in the middle).

Over the last 15 months, the BIBB, together with Paraguayan experts, has been laying the foundations for dual vocational education and training. Equipped with dual curricula, a pool of learning and training exercises as well as materials and handouts, skilled Paraguayan training personnel will implement “MoPaDual” – the Paraguayan model of dual education and training – in both pilot projects.

Institutional positioning of MoPaDual

Workshop on the institutional positioning of MoPaDual.

BIBB's second consultancy priority is the positioning and institutionalisation of MoPaDual. Together with the management teams of the training institutions responsible for MoPaDual – the National System for Initial and Continuing Training (Sistema Nacional de Formación y Capacitación, SINAFOCAL) and the National Service for the Promotion of Vocational Education and Training (Servicio Nacional de Promoción Profesional de Paraguay, SNPP) – the BIBB developed a concept and presented this to the Paraguayan employment minister. The concept involves positioning MoPaDual at two levels for the pilot phase. The aim is to implement this before the April elections in Paraguay.

Round table of German VET stakeholders

German VET stakeholders discuss their ideas at the round table talk organised by the German Embassy in Paraguay.

At the round table talk convened by the German ambassador in Paraguay, the BIBB and 9 German VET stakeholders discussed their views and ideas. Key themes were opportunities for networking and issues relating to public relations work in connection with MoPaDual. Participants explored opportunities for increasing the level of awareness of dual education and training among the Paraguayan public. They also agreed to increase the sharing of information between institutions.

BIBB's next consultation visit to Paraguay is scheduled for August 2018. As part of the process evaluation, BIBB will gather information on progress made at this point with the institutional positioning of MoPaDual and on experiences with the implementation of dual VET, and will also support the continued progress of the projects.