Division 1.4 - Competence Development

Competence Development

The division conducts research into competency development in the context of vocational and company-based education and training.

This extends from the structural consideration of conditions which both support and hinder competency acquisition in initial and continuing education and training, and analysis of disparities in specific target groups, to the development and review of competency models through to the compilation of selected competence dimensions.

Complementary issues are monitored at both the macro and micro level of vocational education and training from career orientation and the transition into education, training and employment through to ongoing life-long learning.

Research topics include concepts for combining learning and working, company-based approaches for assessing competency and recognition of informal competencies as well as the role and situation of company-based training personnel. Verbal communicative competences in initial education and training are examined using examples from selected occupations, and models and processes for the analysis of social and specialist competencies are developed. The problem solving competencies of individuals with vocational experience in advanced vocational education and training are examined.


Prof. Dr. Agnes Dietzen

Head Agnes Dietzen

Dr. Annalisa Schnitzler

Deputy Annalisa Schnitzler


Phone: +49 228 107-1018 Contact