Sandra Lameira


Stay at the BIBB

23.04.2018 - 04.05.2018

Professional Background

Sandra Lameira is from Portugal. She has a degree in Sociology, a MA in social and organisational psychology and a Postgraduate degree in Human Resources.

Sandra Lameira works at the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP) in Lisbon (Portugal). She is head of the Department of lntegrated Management of Qualification Systems (Departamento de Gestao Integrada de Sistemas de Qualificacao). The department's main tasks include:

  • to issue regulations for the national VET system;
  • to support and monitor VET providers;
  • to coordinate the design of training courses, VET curricula development and methodologies;
  • to manage and update the National Catalogue of Qualifications.

ANQEP is the national coordination point for the implementation of EQF and for ECVET. The scope of ANQEP includes VET for young people and adults.

Sandra Lameira is in charge of:

  • Designing, updating and developing the National Catalogue of Qualifications;
  • Organising and managing the work of the 16 Sectors Councils for Qualification;
  • Technical coordination of the design of qualifications based on learning outcomes;
  • Technical coordination of the design of standards for the recognition of professional competencies;
  • Coordinating the work related to the process of implementation of the National Qualification Framework.

Research interest

Ms Lameira has been working with BIBB since 2013 while developing qualification standards for in-company tutors (https://www2.bibb.de/bibbtools/en/ssl/dapro.php?proj=1.5.310). Meanwhile Ms Lameira is preparing a new bilateral project proposal for the modernisation of VET teachers’ profiles in cooperation with BIBB.

Her research interest further includes the role and patterns of involvement of social partners in the process of creating and updating qualification standards. A specific focus is the modernisation of ICT qualifications at EQF levels 4 and 5 in Portugal. Her research stay provides for the opportunity to gain insights from the current VET 4.0 projects at BIBB and to develop future research cooperation between the two organisations (BIBB; ANQEP).

The German Qualification Framework (GQF) is her further research interest. She is especially interested in its governance and monitoring; a task which all European member states are facing following the latest European Recommendation.