Zoomed-in dictionary definition of the word glossary

VET Glossary

Terms of the German VET system

The glossary is a source for terms and definitions which are used in the field of vocational education and training. Emphasis is placed on its usage in the context of the German dual system. The VET Glossary is a work in progress and updated and expanded on an ongoing basis.

Qualification covers different aspects:

  • formal qualification: the formal outcome (certificate, diploma or title) of an assessment process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards and/or possesses the necessary competence to do a job in a specific area of work.a qualification confers official recognition of the value of learning outcomes in the labour market and in education and training. a qualification can be a legal entitlement to practise a trade (oecd);
  • Job requirements: knowledge, aptitudes and skills required to perform specific tasks attached to a particular work Position (ilo).

Source: Cedefop

The official confirmation, usually in the form of a document certifying the successful completion of an educational programme or of a stage of a programme. Qualifications can be obtained through: i) successful completion of a full programme; ii) successful completion of a stage of a programme (intermediate qualifications); or iii) validation of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies, independent of participation in such programmes. This may also be referred to as a ‘credential’.

Source: UNESCO UIS 2013, Global

Processes and procedures for ensuring that qualifications, assessment and programme delivery meet certain standards.

Source: ILO (SED) 2007, Global