Debate on the future of VET systems in the German speaking countries

6th Austrian Vocational Education and Training Research Conference in Steyr

This year’s Austrian Vocational Education and Training Research Conference (BBFK) took place between 5 and 6 July 2018 with the title of “Education = Vocational Education and Training?!” The main focus of the event was accordingly placed on the changing nature of the relationship between vocational education and training and general education. BIBB also contributed its research results within this context and took part in the debate on the future of VET systems in the German-speaking countries.

One of the main issues addressed by the conference was whether the inclusion of general elements in vocational education and of vocational aspects in general education is leading to a realignment of our educational world. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) used this question as an opportunity to discuss current research outcomes with a specialist German-speaking audience. BIBB was represented at the event by its Director of Research and by 15 further academic researchers.

The input provided by BIBB comprised participation in a podium debate entitled “Change in VET – evolution or revolution” and support for forums and specialist presentations dealing with the following topics:

  • Occupational screening – change of tasks and competence requirements
  • Training quality and the role of works councils
  • Promoting the integration of refugees
  • Cooperation between stakeholders in various vocational education and training Systems
  • Segmentation and academisation in educational Systems
  • Factors influencing academic research publication in the VET research community

Some of the topics addressed by BIBB were highly diverse in nature, and this reflects the multitude of challenges currently being faced by vocational education and training. The BIBB research presentations on modernisation of the German VET system led to lively discussions.

“Critical and evaluative competencies for learners in vocational education and training are becoming more important as a result of developments taking place in the wake of digitalisation.”

Professor Hubert Ertl, Director of Research at BIBB

The “Change in VET – evolution or revolution” podium debate explored possible future scenarios on the basis of present VET developments in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. The German side comprised BIBB’s Director of Research Professor Ertl and Professor Jutta Allmendinger, President of the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). The expert round table also featured contributions from representatives of Austrian (Dr. Christian Dorniger and Jürgen Horschinegg) and Swiss ministries (Josef Widmer).

Unanimity largely prevailed with regard to the assessment that digitalisation will bring about material change to vocational education and training in all three countries over the course of the next few years. This is already becoming apparent in respect of aspects such as the growing significance of continuing training, for which sustainable concepts will need to be developed. Social and personal competencies are becoming increasingly important for learners. Automation, the deployment of robots and the emergence of virtual spaces are, however, also giving rise to new ethical questions which will require critical and evaluative competencies. One example in this regard is the use of robots in the field of nursing. Personal rights in connection with the use of social networks for economic purposes are a further such instance.

Despite all the differences in the constitution of the educational systems in the countries forming the object of consideration, evolutionary change processes are underway in all three contexts to ensure that the shift taking place in the economy and in society is generally reflected in vocational education and training.

Another section of the conference consisted of a “poster session” in which innovative research, development or pilot projects in the field of VET were presented as posters. BIBB were also present with new research initiatives. The “Dual VET topic radar”, for example, is a new survey-based instrument which has been used since spring 2017 to analyse the views of 2,000 experts on the further development of dual vocational education and training. The research project “Open Access in vocational education and training research”, which focuses on academic research publication, was also represented. A further poster summarised the core statements of an online presentation on “Areas of potential and challenges of Open Educational Resources (OER) in vocational education and training”.

The particular characteristic of the Austrian Vocational Education and Training Research Conference is the inherent opportunity it affords to compare the three German-speaking VET systems. The composition of the audience and of presenters consistently leads to interesting new research insights and stimuli.

The topic of the “Future of vocational education and training”, which was embarked upon at the BIBB Congress in June 2018, will also be further addressed within the scope of the 6th Vocational Education and Training Research Conference of the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (EHB) in March 2019.