Photo competition as part of the World Youth Skills Day
On 15 July, the 4. World Youth Skills Day took place, which was organised by the United Nations together with World Skills International. As part of this event, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training took part in the "SkillsInAction Photo Competition".
On the occasion of Word Youth Skills Day (WYSD) on 15 July 2018 UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, in charge of TVET within UNESCO, organised a photo competition for professionals and amateurs.
The competition wants to shed a positive light on vocational education and training. The main aim is to underline opportunities and chances of apprentices and to show their professions as attractive choices.
BIBB as UNEVOC-Centre has taken the initiative and participated in the "SkillsInAction Photo Competition" with the support of the in-house photographer Ms Schmidt from the public relations department.
Five photos were submitted. They were shot in the BIBB itself and in the joinery Kolb GmbH. Two training occupations within BIBB, event managemer and office manager, were represented by Ms Kubitschek and Ms Bhatt, both trainees in the first year of their apprenticeships.
Mr. Werner, apprentice at the joinery Kolb GmbH, represented the training occupation carpenter.
Now we will wait and see.
The winner of the competition has the opportunity to win 300 Euros. Furthermore, their photos are published on the UNESCO-UNEVOC website.