Competency-oriented compatibility of vocational and academic education — comparative research in the United States

From October to December 2018, Dr. Volker Rein (BIBB) will be a Research Fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns-Hopkins University. As part of this he will be conducting research into “Compatible degree and non-degree post-secondary education in the US: Cross-over competency oriented conceptual approaches in credentialing”.

In highly industrialised countries such as Germany and in the United States of America, there is a general consensus that training programmes and qualifications in all training sectors should be aligned to the acquisition of competencies. This is intended to meet the needs of learners as well as companies and labour markets, and to support lifelong learning, learning outcome transparency, and permeability between learning pathways and training sectors. The growth in knowledge-based requirements in production and service sectors and the trend towards knowledge-based training pathways demands appropriate, systematic, instrumental and educationally creative developments in both vocational as well as academic training.

From a comparative perspective, this research is seeking to provide new insights on relevant developments in the United States. This will focus on organisational approaches at associate and bachelor level which facilitate the professional and academic acquisition of competencies in a compatible manner. It is assumed that this equally supports the capacity of vocational qualifications to provide scope for progression and ensure employability in both academic and non-academic sectors.

The research at the AICGS concerns to the problem areas of “Workforce Education and Training and Society, Culture and Politics”. It is embedded in ongoing research development work in Germany at BIBB with an analogous research approach.

2.3.307 - Kompetenzbezogene Gestaltungskompatibilität zwischen beruflichen und akademischen Qualifikationen

Time period II-18 to II-19

[Competence-related design compatibility between vocational and academic qualifications]

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3.3.304 - Durchlässigkeitsfördernde Aspekte der Gestaltung von Bildungsgängen an der Schnittstelle beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung im Kontext der Kompetenz- und Lernergebnisorientierung

Time period I-13 to II-15

[Aspects promoting permeability in the design of training courses at the interface of vocational and university education in the context of competency and learning-outcome orientation] 

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3.5.301 - Short Cycle Qualifikationen Stellenwert im Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem in den USA und der EU EU [Short cycle qualifications – their status in the training and employment system in the USA and the EU]

Time period II-12 to III-13

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Making an American Credentials Framework. Intentions, Construction, Challenges and Perspectives

Rein, Volker | 2016

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Short-Cycle-Qualifikationen - ihr Stellenwert im Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem in den USA und der EU [Short cycle qualifications – their status in the training and employment system in the USA and the EU]

Rein, Volker; Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung [Hrsg.] | 2015

US Associate Degrees - Short Cycle Qualifikationen an der Schnittstelle beruflicher und akademischer Bildung . [US Associate Degrees – permeable, short cycle qualifications at the interface of vocational and academic education]

Rein, Volker | 2011