Kick off meeting of the “Wellness Tourism Skills’ Development (WellTo Skill)” project funded by Erasmus+
The launch meeting of the project “Wellness Tourism Skills’ Development (WellTo Skill)” took place on 10 and 11 October 2018 in Sofia. Organisations, schools, competent bodies and companies from Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia and Latvia have come together for the project to develop a joint qualification in the area of wellness tourism.

The project is being led by the “Institute for training of personnel in international organisations” (ITPIO) from Bulgaria.
The qualification will be divided into learning outcome units which will be trialled in mobility phases in the partner countries, thus allowing the scope for mutual recognition to be explored.

The goal is also to assist companies and schools in improving the integration of theoretical school-based learning and practical company-based learning and, in so doing, to facilitate work-based learning. As part of the project, a network of so-called mediators is being formed whose purpose will be to forge ahead with the development of this assistance while supporting and broadening it out into other sectors.
BIBB is assuming the quality assurance role in this project. This is enabling BIBB to intensify and further develop collaboration with its partner institutes in Latvia, Bulgaria, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia.