Cooperation with Mexican partner institution CONALEP

The partner institute Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP) and BIBB have been collaborating successfully on the basis of a cooperation agreement since 2009. The fostering and further development of VET in Mexico has been the main focus.

Alliance for dual VET in Latin America and the Caribbean

In October 2020, CONALEP and BIBB initiated an intensive dialogue on dual VET in Latin America. Several Latin American countries, represented by VET institutions, companies, trade unions, and representatives of state, business and society, participated in different dialogue series. Since March 2021, the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training of the International Labour Organization (ILO-Cinterfor) has been supporting this regional exchange.

The highlight of these dialogue series is the digital regional conference Prospects and Consolidation of Dual VET, which took place virtually from 28-30 June 2021. As part of this conference, 15 countries founded the "Alliance for Dual VET in Latin America and the Caribbean" on June 30. This is the first dual VET network of its type in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Currently, a main task of the CONALEP - BIBB cooperation is to support the establishment of four working groups of the alliance in order to foster the further exchange of expertise between the leading institutions for dual VET. These focus on VET policy issues such as.

  • economic recovery, manpower, post-pandemic and the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises,
  • Positioning of dual VET in national agendas,
  • pedagogy of dual VET, and
  • quality assurance and development in dual VET.


BIBB significantly supported the development of the Mexican Model of Dual VET (MMFD)

The development of a legal basis for dual VET was the first focus of the cooperation between CONALEP and BIBB from 2009 - 2015, based on a cooperation agreement. The German Vocational Training Act (BBiG) served as a model. As a result, with support of CONALEP, the Mexican Ministry of Education (SEP) issued a decree recognizing dual VET as an educational option in the Mexican training system in June 2015.

The development of dual VET courses based on the German VET system was the second focus of the collaboration between CONALEP, BIBB and other German actors in VET. A two-year pilot phase was followed by the implementation of the Mexican Model of Dual VET (MMFD) in several states.


Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP)

CONALEP was established in 1978. It is under the supervision of the Mexican Ministry of Education (SEP). The institute is currently represented throughout the country by 313 schools. These provide training for more than 75% of all the vocational students in Mexico. CONALEP’s training portfolio 2021 – 2022 comprises 63 different training courses at upper-secondary level. CONALEP has been a UNEVOC center since 2015.

CONALEP and BIBB have been working together successfully since 2009 on the basis of a cooperation agreement in the field of fostering and further developing VET in Mexico. The main focus of the cooperation is the implementation and continuing development of dual elements in the apprenticeship programme offered by CONALEP. The cooperation is aimed at making a sustainable contribution to the modernisation of the Mexican VET system through advisory services and a broad-based transfer of knowledge of innovative concepts.

(as of December 2021)

Friday, 20 August 2021

Latin America and the Caribbean establish a strategic alliance for dual VET

Vocational education and training institutions from 15 countries held an opening ceremony for the alliance for dual VET in Latin America and the Caribbean. This highlight marked the end of the regional conference of CONALEP (the BIBB partner institute in Mexico), BIBB and ILO-Cinterfor.

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Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Dual VET – how is it done?

Dual VET – how do companies and vocational schools do it? The delegation from the Mexican BIBB partner institute CONALEP came with many questions about how dual VET is implemented. Over four days they had the chance to pose these questions to practitioners and to visit training centres.

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