Paraguay creates a vocational education and training institute

During her two-day study visit to the BIBB on 3 and 4 January 2019, the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of the Republic of Paraguay, Carla Bacigalupo Planás, gathered information about the dual system of vocational education and training in Germany.

f.l.: Schwarz (BIBB), López Fernández (DGB), Correa (BIBB), Thomann (BIBB), Bacigalupo Planás (Minister of Labour), Rechmann (GOVET), Maidana (Embassy of Paraguay)

Since the minister entered office in August 2018, the third-party-funded project “Paraguayan model of dual training” (MoPaDual) has seen a significant increase in momentum and is now a high priority. Prior to this, the project had been concerned with integrating dual training provision with Paraguayan project partners SINAFOCAL (National system for initial and continuing vocational education and training) and SNPP (National service for the promotion of vocational education and training). The minister wants to set up a vocational education and training institute in Paraguay and increase the number of dual training places on offer. The BIBB has been tasked with creating a structure for the planned institute and developing dual curricula for at least two occupations.

During a visit in early January, the minister gathered information about the dual education system in Germany. She was particularly interested in the role played by the state and the board in vocational education and training as well as in the German Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and in the structure, work, and functions of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The minister gained insight into the practical implementation of dual training during a visit to the municipal works in Bonn (SWB).

At the conclusion of her visit, the minister announced her intention to press ahead with the implementation of dual training in Paraguay over the next two years and to establish the general conditions required to provide the financial and human resources necessary to support this plan.

BIBB third party funded project “Paraguayan model of dual training” (MoPaDual)

The BIBB has been working together with Paraguay on the “Paraguayan model of dual training” (MoPaDual) since December 2016. As part of this, the BIBB is advising Paraguay on establishing the institutional and structural foundations of a training system and on the development of company-based standards.

In spring 2019, the BIBB will be supporting the ongoing curriculum development, the development of examination tasks, and the preparation for the initial examinations in March 2019. As part of the process evaluation, the BIBB will also gather information on the progress of the institutional positioning of MoPaDual and on experiences with the implementation of dual VET in both pilot projects.