Cooperation with Austrian partner institution ibw

The Austrian Institute for Training Research in Trade and Industry (ibw) and BIBB have been working together on the basis of a cooperation agreement since as long ago as 2008. Regular contact seminars are jointly staged together with a further partner institute in Switzerland.

The ibw and BIBB signed a cooperation agreement in January 2008, in which the parties arranged to work together in the field of vocational education and training research and development. The joint objective is to foster VET research via mutual support, collaboration and networking.

The details of the agreement reached were as follows.

  • To keep the other party informed of research programmes and results
  • To work together in research and development projects
  • To send each other copies of regular publications
  • To strive to achieve an exchange of academic researchers between the two institutes

The main thematic focuses of the cooperation agreement are as follows.

  • Recruitment behaviour of companies
  • Costs and benefits of initial and continuing vocational education and training
  • Transitions to training and employment
  • Communication/coordination between full-time school and the dual system
  • Implementation of the EQF and of ECVET
  • Vocational education and training for persons from a migrant background
  • Training of teaching staff in schools and companies
  • Development of teaching occupations

The next contact seminar will take place in 2025 in Switzerland. 

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Vocational education and training institutes in the German-speaking countries stage their first virtual contact seminar

The topics debated at the 2021 Contact Seminar held together with austrian and swiss partner institutes were the need to secure a supply of qualified skilled workers and new approaches being adopted in VET research. The event took place virtually for the very first time because of the pandemic.

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Thursday, 1 March 2018

Contact seminar of German speaking VET research institutions

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Professor Cornelia Oertle used this quotation in the opening remarks she delivered as host of the 2018 Contact seminar of German speaking VET research institutions.

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