Cooperation with partner institution IAL in Singapore

Since May 2009, the Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) and BIBB have been working together in the field of VET.

The cooperation focuses mainly on a expert dialogue on current education policy issues. This includes in particular the cooperation of both organizations in international activities, such as conferences.

The BIBB took part in the two-day symposium "Adult Learning Symposium 2010 – Skills, Productivity and Professionalism" in Singapore in October 2010 upon invitation by the IAL and the WDA. During the symposium, the BIBB hosted two workshops on the topics of "Quality Assurance in Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) and Continuing Vocational Education and Training (CVET) in Germany" and "BIBB Advisory Services for the Modernisation of VET Systems".

The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) in Singapore was established in 2008 by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). The IAL supports the implementation of the government's master plan for the nurturing of excellence and professionalism in advanced training.

(as of September 2022)

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Education specialists meet for EduTECH Asia in Singapore

EduTECH Asia, which took place from 8 to 10 November in Singapore, is Asia’s largest education conference and technology exhibition. The BIBB, represented by Head of Department Birgit Thomann, used the opportunity to draw international attention to the importance of in-company training personnel.

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