Cooperation with Brazilian partner institution SENAI

The National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) and the BIBB have been working together on the basis of a cooperation agreement since 1998.

In a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 23 November 2023, BIBB and SENAI agreed to intensify their dialogue in the areas of

  • Governance of VET, in particular on the networking of all relevant VET stakeholders and on forms of financing of VET
  • Standards in VET, in particular on training and assessment standards
  • Institutionalised VET and educational research, in particular on skills development and trends in VET
  • Use of digital media in VET, in particular with regard to the development of skills and competences and their application in the digital transformation in the working environment

The Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI)

Founded in 1942 on private sector initiative, SENAI is a nationwide organisation that promotes VET in industry. SENAI is the largest training institution in Latin America. It has 809 mobile and local training centres in all states of Brazil.

SENAI is an active member of the Alliance for Dual Training in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was founded in June 2021 by 15 Latin American countries with the support of BIBB, ILO-Cinterfor and Mexico's CONALEP.

(as of March 2024)


Friday, 8 April 2016

BIBB and SENAI seek to expand their collaboration

The Brazilian National Service for Industrial Vocational Education and Training (SENAI) is planning to extend its provision of vocational education and training. The Intention is to update the statutory framework for VET in Brazil. The BIBB was asked to support this process in an advisory capacity.

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