Press release

Strengthening VET in Africa

1. German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education in Berlin

36/2019 | Bonn, 20.11.2019

The qualitative advantages of practice-orientated vocational training provision, the added value from education and training for social and economic development, the role of women in education and training, and not least projects and initiatives which support successful VET collaboration will all be the focus of the first German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education which is taking place in Berlin today. Under the motto of “Shaping the Future of Employment”, ten ministers of education from African countries will join around 200 representatives from German companies and from Africa's initial and continuing vocational education and training sector to take the opportunity to discuss the ongoing development of joint projects and initiatives in Africa, “the continent of opportunity”.

At the first German-African Forum on Vocational Training and Education, organised by iMOVE at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the German-African Business Association, the following countries will be represented at the ministerial level: Egypt, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Cameroon, Morocco, Senegal, South Sudan, Togo and Chad. The forum also follows on closely from the “G20 Compact with Africa Investment Summit” which is taking place for the second time under the patronage of the Federal Chancellery.

African countries face similar challenges in the training sector even though they differ in terms of their economic capability and development. Vocational education and training in Africa suffers from a poor image within society and from chronic underfunding. Private sector involvement in the organisation of training is very limited and the content often does not reflect the needs of companies.

The comprehensive and systematic initial and ongoing development of skilled workers is regarded as a key basis for continued economic development. Many African governments have therefore adopted a course of reform and are focusing in particular on the German system of dual vocational education and training. The Federal Government with their strategy “International VET cooperation from a single source” [Internationale Berufsbildungszusammenarbeit aus einer Hand] and the German education sector are supporting this development on the African continent with numerous activities and initiatives and projects.

iMOVE is the export initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As a division of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), iMOVE, with its extensive service offer, supports German providers of initial and continuing vocational education and training in the development of international markets. With its brand “Training – Made in Germany”, iMOVE promotes German competence in the field of VET abroad. The German-African Business Association is the nationwide and cross-industry foreign trade association representing German companies and institutions with an interest in economic collaboration with countries on the African continent. With more than 550 members, it advocates a more nuanced conception of Africa, and policymaking focused on opportunity.

iMOVE has free-of-charge marketing information and studies available relating to the education systems in the African countries of Egypt, Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia. A collection of best practice examples for successful education and training cooperation between Germany and sub-Saharan Africa is also available from iMOVE.

Further information is available at www.imove-germany.de

Contact person at BIBB:

Silvia Niediek; e-mail: niediek@bibb.de

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