Press release

Demand for training positions hits new low

Reduced number of school leavers hits the training market

39/2019 | Bonn, 11.12.2019

In Germany, the demand from young people for dual training positions has fallen to under 600,000 for the first time. 598,800 young people had either concluded a training agreement or else were still seeking training—with or without an alternative option in terms of destination—and this put demand at 11,200 below the level for the previous year. The reduced number of school leavers, which has again been falling since 2016, is feeding through to the training market. In parallel with the reduced demand for training places, there was also a fall in the number of newly concluded dual training contracts in 2019. At 525,100, this was around 6,300 lower than in 2018.

These are the key findings of the analyses of training market development carried out in 2019 by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). They are based on the BIBB survey of newly concluded training contracts as at 30 September, as well as training market statistics from the Federal Employment Agency (BA).

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the number of school leavers from general education schools had already fallen by 43,400 between 2016 and 2018. According to initial estimates, it is likely to fall again by around 7000 in 2019. The main reason behind this is demographic change. However, up to now, the resulting falling demand for dual vocational education and training has been compensated for by growing demand for training from young refugees. However, in 2019 there was no further increase in the number of refugees registering as training position applicants with the Federal Employment Agency . At 38,100, it remained roughly at the level of the previous year.

As in previous years, many companies and young people were also unsuccessful in 2019 on the training market. 53,100 or 9.4% of all training positions offered by companies remain unfilled, and around 73,700 young people (12.3%) were unsuccessful in their search for a training position which appeared to suit them; this included a noticeably large number—almost two-thirds—of individuals with an intermediate-level school leaving certificate or with the higher education entrance qualification. Reasons for this are the differing expectations of companies and young people as regards the occupations or regions in which training takes place or about the attributes which the respective training contract partner should have.

BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser called for a continuation of the efforts made to increase respect for, and the attractiveness of, training occupations, in particular those facing persistent problems in filling vacancies. “Only once we succeed in further reducing matching problems on the training market and in bringing supply and demand closer together, shall we overcome the current demographic challenges and be able to ensure the supply of skilled workers needed in the economy.”

In fact, in 2019, it was possible for the first time to prevent further growth in the matching problems on the training market—this had increased continually for 10 years—and to at least drive this back to the 2017 level. This contributed to the fact that in 2019 the number of newly concluded training contracts fell less markedly (-1.2%) than the number of training position offers and the demand for training positions (-1.8% in each case).

Further information statistics tables, graphics and interactive regional maps are available on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/naa309-2019 (German only) as well as in the specialist article “Fewer training contracts as a result of falling supply and demand figures - The development of the training market in 2019” at www.bibb.de/ausbildungsmarkt2019 (German only).

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