Press release

More money in trainees’ pockets

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements increase significantly once again

03/2020 | Bonn, 29.01.2020

In 2019, training allowances based on collective wage agreements increased across Germany by an average of 3.8%. The rise in allowances was thus similar to that recorded in 2018 (3.7%). Throughout Germany, the average training allowance based on collective wage agreements in 2019 was €939 gross per month. This average amount rose to €941 in western Germany and was €905 in eastern Germany. In percentage terms, training allowances based on collective wage agreements for 2019 rose slightly more in the eastern regions (5.1%) than in the west (3.7%). This meant that the gap in the allowances paid narrowed slightly. Training allowances in the east have now reached 96% of the western level compared to 95% in the previous year. The above results have emerged from an assessment of training allowances for the year 2019 conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

BIBB has been evaluating training allowances based on collective agreements, for which the cut-off date is 1 October, on an annual basis since 1976. Average 2019 allowances for 168 occupations in western Germany and for 110 occupations in the country’s eastern regions were identified and recorded in BIBB’s “Training allowances based on collective wage agreements” database. All training occupations were then taken into account in order to calculate overall average national rates and average rates for eastern and western Germany respectively.

In 2019, there were significant differences in the level of allowances between the various training occupations. Training allowances based on collective wage agreements were particularly high in the craft trade occupation of carpenter, for which the overall monthly average for the whole of Germany was €1,240 (western Germany: €1,263, eastern Germany: €965). High levels of allowances based on collective wage agreements were also paid in occupations such as bank clerk (overall average: €1,098, western federal states: €1,098, eastern federal states: €1,089), industrial mechanic (overall: €1,074, western Germany: €1,079, eastern Germany: €1,003) and industrial clerk (national average: € 1,022, western Germany: €1,026, eastern states: €934).

Training allowances based on collective wage agreements were, for example, comparatively low in 2019 for occupations including painter and varnisher (average rate in both parts of the country: €749, western federal states: €750, eastern federal states: €739), florist (overall: €718, western federal states: €733, eastern federal states: €572), baker (average standard rate across Germany: €711), hairdresser (overall: €610, western federal states: €625, eastern federal states: €413) and chimney sweep (average rate in both parts of the country: €608, western states: €607, eastern states: €610).

There were also marked differences between training sectors in 2019. Above average training allowances were achieved in the public sector (average rate in both parts of the country: €1,052, western federal states: €1,052, eastern federal states: €1,048) and in trade and industry (overall: € 997, western federal states: €1,001, eastern federal states: €944). On the other hand, training allowances were below the average level in agriculture (total: €871, western states: €880, eastern states: €793), in the liberal professions (overall: € 859, western states: €862, eastern Germany: € 816) and in the craft trades sector (overall: € 821, western states: € 826, eastern states: € 755).

Please note that the methodology for calculating training allowances based on collective wage agreements was revised for the year 2019. Although the evaluation continues to be based on approximately 500 of the most significant collective wage agreements, additional information from the Vocational Education and Training Statistics and from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) panel indicating the rate of companies bound by a collective wage agreement have now been newly included. Calculations in accordance with the new methodology were carried out for the year 2018 in order to permit comparisons with the previous approach deployed. Differences are slight in overall terms but more significant in a number of occupations.  The rises in allowances depicted between 2018 and 2019 relate to calculations from both years according to the new methodology.

A detailed presentation of the results and twelve downloadable charts are presented in the article “Training allowances based on collective wage agreements – results for 2019” on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/ausbildungsverguetung-2019 (German only).  

An overall tabular summary of the average levels of allowances calculated for 2019 in the occupations covered can be accessed at www.bibb.de/ausbildungsverguetung (German only).

Explanations on the amendment to the methodology are provided at www.bibb.de/veroeffentlichungen/de/publication/show/10818 (German only).

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