BIBB President Esser: “We will not be able to handle the challenges of the transformation without skilled workers.”
New training year starts with eight modernised occupations
23/2024 | Bonn, 29.07.2024

Eight updated dual training occupations will be launched when the new training year officially commences on 1 August.
Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), stated: “Despite individual positive tendencies on the training market, such as a slight upwards movement in demand for dual training by young people and young adults, it is already apparent that the volume of skilled workers will become scarce during the next few years. This needs to be a matter of concern for us. Work is a crucial factor in terms of achieving a successful transformation and thus meeting the largest challenge faced by the economy and by society over the coming decades. Renewal of infrastructure relating to energy supply and waste disposal is of particular significance to climate protection and has formed a main focus of regulatory work in vocational education and training. Wastewater and waste management, pipeline networks and water supply are all essential to everyday life. The involvement of all participants has enabled the environmental technology occupations to be taken to a new level. Attracting even more young people and young adults into dual VET will remain a significant task in future. In order to appeal to all target groups of differing abilities, VET must develop further into holistic provision which interlinks initial and continuing VET and which exhibits strong areas of potential with regard to flexibility and inclusivity.”
Eight modernised training regulations enter into force when the new training year begins on 1 August 2024.
- Precision optician
- Aircraft electronics technician
- Aircraft mechanic
- Industrial clerk
- Environmental technologist for wastewater management
- Environmental technologist for recycling and waste management
- Environmental technologist for pipeline networks and industrial plants
- Environmental technologist for water supply management
Young people and young adults can currently choose from a total of 328 recognised dual training occupations following completion of their general schooling.
Since 2013, BIBB has worked with the federal ministries responsible, with the social partners and with experts from the field of company practice to revise a total of 138 training regulations in order to take account of the latest economic, technological and societal requirements. This illustrates the adaptability of dual VET in Germany and emphasises the system’s ability to embrace change. Further modernisation projects over the course of the coming months will be directed towards occupations including construction engineer, judicial clerk, office manager and precious stone setter.
Of course, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training itself also provides training. BIBB has recruited nine new trainees for the start of the 2024 cohort on 1 August. The training occupations they have opted for are office manager, event manager, specialist in market and social research, and specialist in media and information services. This means that BIBB will have a total of 22 young people and young adults in training once the new training year gets underway.
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