Press release

Dual degree courses: Plenty of dynamics

Up-to-date evaluation of the "AusbildungPlus" BIBB database

07/2015 | Bonn, 05.03.2015

Not only is the demand for dual degree courses unbroken, but also the range of courses on offer is increasingly diversified. This form of training that combines a high degree of practical application with scientific requirements continues to generate great interest in young people and businesses as well as universities (of applied sciences) and colleges of advanced vocational studies. This is the result of an up-to-date evaluation for 2014 of the "AusbildungPlus" database at the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The database collects voluntary data from providers of dual degree courses; by now it has registered 1,505 dual degree courses for first-time students with some 95,000 enrolled students. The sector reveals some interesting developments: for instance, the percentage of degree courses that integrate practical work has increased disproportionately. This type of degree course by now outweighs the number of models that integrate vocational education and training. The universities of applied sciences continue to offer the broadest range of courses with 1,014 different models; however, the BIBB database has recorded also 71 dual degree course programmes at universities and 188 degree course programmes for first-time students at colleges of advanced vocational studies.

The standard version of this demanding form of training is the degree course with integrated vocational education and training that combines an apprenticeship with a bachelor degree course and concludes with two professional qualifications. It accounts for about 39% of all programmes on offer. In addition, the BIBB "AusbildungPlus" database by now contains nearly 50% other models, such as degree courses with integrated work experience, which combine an academic degree with regular practical work periods at a company. Moreover, mixed models have increased, with students training under various forms of contracts, for example, an apprenticeship or an internship contract. These programmes account for about 12% of all programmes.

The BIBB evaluation reveals that most dual degree course programmes are concentrated in the fields of economy and engineering as well as computer science. Yet increasing numbers of programmes are found in the fields of social service, child care, health and nursing care. This latter group by now accounts for 11% of dual degree courses for first-time students.

Worthy of note are also dual degree courses that enable students to attain a master craftsman title or other advanced training qualifications in addition to the bachelor and a professional qualification. An example from current practice includes the triple degree course Handwerksmanagement (BA, management in the skilled trades) at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM – University of applied sciences for small and medium-sized enterprises) at several sites across Germany. This programme combines an apprenticeship in the crafts with advanced master craftsman training and the bachelor degree course for management in the skilled trades. Students in this programme attain three recognised qualifications within four to four and a half years: the journeyman, master craftsman and bachelor qualifications.

"AusbildungPlus" is a BIBB project that so far has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Its key element is a database providing nationwide information about dual degree courses and additional qualifications in the dual system of vocational education and training, that is, about qualification programmes that combine a dual system apprenticeship with other educational programmes. Interested young people can search the database for suitable courses free of charge. Education providers, for example, businesses, universities (of applied sciences) and vocational academies can publish their training and study programmes free of charge.

More information in "AusbildungPlus: Duales Studium in Zahlen – Trends und Analysen 2014". The report is available for download under www.ausbildungplus.de (German language publication only).

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