Press release

Training for refugees: Company-based involvement begins

Results of a BIBB survey of companies providing training in selected industry sectors

38/2016 | Bonn, 08.09.2016

Small and medium-sized enterprises are aware of the particular relevance of vocational education and training for the integration of refugees who have come to Germany. This is the result of a survey con-ducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in the first quarter of 2016. The survey was conducted among approximately 1,570 small and medium-sized companies from selected industrial sectors and occupational areas which provide training. Three quarters of those companies surveyed are of the opinion that training is a key factor for ensuring integration of refugees in society.

Approximately 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises surveyed also regard the education and training of refugees as an opportunity for the German economy as a whole and, in particular, as a way to ensure the next generation of skilled workers in particular. However, a similarly high figure did not feel able to offer a clear assessment on this issue, and approximately one in seven of companies surveyed were sceptical about making such a statement. Furthermore, half of the small and medium-sized enterprises surveyed felt that the economy would suffer a financial impact as a result of the refugee education training — an impact which could only be managed with government assistance.

In terms of involvement by the companies themselves, almost 1 in 10 reported that they had offered education, training and work placement opportunities for refugees between the start of 2015 and start of 2016. Over the same period, one in four companies were approached regarding education and training opportunities for refugees. The number of training contracts created with refugees as a result of this is admittedly still small, however findings show that small and medium-sized companies are receptive to the education and training of refugees.

For BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser these research findings demonstrate that small and medium-sized companies offer potential for the education and training of refugees. However, in order to exploit this, advice and support is required at an even greater level. “In contrast to large businesses, with their professional education training and personal development capacities, it has become clear that small and medium-sized enterprises in particular are dependent on high-quality service provision — from career orientation to initiating the training contract through to provision of training support.”
Further information on the BIBB analysis “Company-based involvement in refugee education and training. Results of a survey of small and medium sized companies” is available on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/befragung-gefluechtete (German only).

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