Press release

Nature as the model

Training for biology model makers updated

24/2017 | Bonn, 13.07.2017

The human skeleton or a true to scale copy of human organs—almost all of us recognise these models from our own time at school. They are produced purely by hand by biological model makers, a creative and design-based skilled craft occupation. On behalf of the Federal Government, and together with social partners and experts from company practice, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has now updated training for this occupation. The updated training regulations take into account both traditional manufacturing processes and technological developments. The new regulation will enter into force on 1 August.

Biological model makers produce anatomical, botanical and zoological teaching and demonstration models, as well as “training mannequins”—artificial bodies used to practice on—in accordance with the specifications of scientific experts. The products produced in Germany are marketed worldwide and are used predominantly in schools, universities training institutions and in museums.

Trainees learn all about the manufacturing of the models, the retouching of model-specific workpieces, connecting parts of the model and assembling them. They create the models using a range of painting and application techniques and perform repair work. The manufacturing process is accompanied by constant quality control in this traditional training occupation.

The manufacture and repair of models requires a high level of specialised work completed entirely by hand. The models and training mannequins are produced in minute detail strictly in accordance with scientific specifications in terms of form function, disassembly and aesthetics. This requires that the skilled worker also has both technical understanding and good knowledge of biology in addition to highly-developed manual skill.

The occupational profile of the biology model maker originates from 1938. It therefore belongs to the so-called old occupations and, since the entry into force of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) on 1 September 1969, has been listed as a recognised and valid teaching profession.
The content, duration and requirements for the updated training regulation has been agreed with the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) in order to ensure that company-based learning content is closely linked with content in the vocational schools.

Further information is available on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/neue-berufe

Image material is available at www.bibb.de/pressefotos.

Gunda Görmar

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