Press release

Slower rise

Development of training allowances based on collective wage agreements for 2017

01/2018 | Bonn, 04.01.2018

In 2017, training allowances based on collective wage agreements rose across Germany by an average of 2.6%. This rise in remuneration was significantly weaker than in previous years. Over the period from 2012 to 2016 annual growth rates fell within a range of 3.4% to 4.5%. Average trainee remuneration across Germany for 2017 was €876 gross per month. Over the past year, trainees earned an average of €881 in West Germany and €827 in East Germany. This made the increase in training allowances based on collective wage agreements almost the same in percentage terms. In the West, the figure was 2.6% and in the East 2.5%. This gap between the East German and West German collective wage agreement levels was therefore unchanged for 2017. As in the year before, the level achieved was 94% of the western remuneration level.

These results were compiled by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in their evaluation of training allowances based on collective agreements for 2017. Average remunerations were calculated for 181 occupations in West Germany and 152 occupations in East Germany Based on this, average values for the whole of Germany were also calculated. The occupations included accounted for 89% of all training contracts. The BIBB has been conducting the evaluation of training allowances based on collective agreements, for which the cut-off date is 1 October, on an annual basis since 1976.

In 2017, there were significant differences in the level of remuneration between the training occupations. The training allowances based on collective wage agreements were particularly high in the skilled craft occupation of brick layer. Here, the overall average for Germany was €1,095 per month. In East Germany, the average amount was €915, significantly lower than the €1,110 paid in the West. High remuneration levels were also paid in occupations such as mechatronics technician (overall: €1,043, West: €1.047, East: €1,023), insurance and finance clerk with insurance specialism (average rate in both parts of the country: €1,028) and business manager (overall: €1,004, West: €1.008, East: €942).

In 2017, average remuneration based on collective wage agreements was comparatively low, for example, in the occupations of painter and varnisher (average rate in both parts of the country: €693), baker (average rate in both parts of the country: €637), florist (overall: € 617, West: €622, East: €587) and chimney sweep (average rate in both parts of the country: € 518).

In 2017, there were also marked differences between the training sectors in the remuneration level based on collective wage agreements. Above average training allowances were achieved in the public sector (average rate in both parts of the country: €958 €) and in trade and industry (overall: € 942, West: € 950, East: €878 ). By contrast, allowances were below the overall average in the freelance sector (overall € 809, West: € 810, East: €773 ), in agriculture (overall: € 733, West: € 753, East: 641 €) and in the skilled crafts (overall: € 738, West: € 743, East: € 678).

A detailed presentation of the results as well as eight downloadable charts are presented in the article “Training allowances based on collective wage agreements 2017: slower rise in West and East Germany“ which is available on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/ausbildungsverguetung-2017 (German only).

An overall summary of the average levels of remuneration calculated for 2017 in the occupations covered can be accessed at www.bibb.de/ausbildungsverguetung (German only).

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