Press release

BIBB and KRIVET consolidate cooperation

New cooperation agreement signed with South Korea

12/2018 | Bonn, 12.03.2018

Closer cooperation in the area of research and development and vocational education and training, and regular sharing of information and experience in particular relating to the theme of “Digitalisation in the world of work” are the subject of a new cooperation agreement between the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET). The agreement was signed by BIBB Research Director Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl during a visit by a South Korean government delegation to the BIBB in Bonn. This will strengthen the collaboration between the two partner institutes which has existed since 2000 and extend it in the direction of comparative research and expert dialogue in the area of education training and policymaking.

The new cooperation agreement includes, for example, participation by KRIVET in the BIBB research project “Vocational activities and requirements in international comparisons - analysis of national and international datasets”. This analysis is of particular interest with regard to the impacts of digitalisation.

“Vocational education and training research also constitutes an important basis within international collaboration for dialogue in education and training policy-making and the continuing development of vocational education and training. South Korea is a strong and technologically advanced economy, and exchange on the issues and challenges in the context of the digitalisation of the working world is a good example of successful international collaboration beyond European borders”, emphasized Research Director Ertl. Both institutes have already collaborated successfully in the past on several BIBB projects relating to international comparative VET research. The BIBB is also regularly invited as a guest lecturer at KRIVIT symposiums and in education and training policymaking forums in South Korea.

The internationalisation of vocational education and training is one of the BIBB's core themes; it is a centre of excellence for initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany, and in this capacity acts as an institute for science and research as part of a global network. The BIBB currently has almost 30 cooperation agreements with international partner institutions.

The high level of interest in information about dual VET in Germany from Europe and the rest of the world continues unabated. This is evidenced by the BIBB information event for delegations and visitor groups at which visitors from the areas of science, policymaking and practice discuss current vocational education and training issues with the BIBB experts. For example, in 2017 the BIBB provided information to around 1600 guests, from 87 countries in 116 events. Most guests came from China, followed by South Korea.

Further information is available on the BIBB website:

Contact partner at the BIBB:
Eva Hanau

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