Press release

Insight into glass finishing

Restructured training for flat glass technologists

26/2018 | Bonn, 17.05.2018

It needs to be transparent, elegant and functional – and everything must fit with precision. The flat glass technologists require a high degree of skilled craftsmanship, care and precision in the processing, cutting and finishing of industrial flat glass for windows, display windows and cabinets, safety glass for banks and glass panels for solar energy systems. On behalf of the Federal Government, and together with social partners and experts from company practice, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has updated this training regulation. It enters into force on 1 August 2018 and replaces the former flat glass mechanic regulation which has existed for 27 years.

Flat glass technologists cut sheets of glass to the required dimensions and finish the products by means of decorative grinding, sandblasting, printing and sealing. This requires working to a high level of precision. When the training regulation was updated, the automation, networking and digitalisation of the flow of materials and goods within the company was considered, as was the control of automated production and cutting equipment.

The training ends with an examination set by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry which is scheduled in two parts. Part one, which is to be completed before the end of the second training year, is worth 30 percent of the total mark of the final examination. Around half of the young people with a newly concluded training contract in 2016 had a lower secondary school leaving certificate.

Flat glass technologists work mainly in the workshops and production halls of companies which process glass. For those interested, once successfully qualified, the training opens up the opportunity to advance professionally to the level of certified industrial master craftsman specialising in glass.

In the course of the updating, the vocational school skeleton curriculum which is aligned with the training regulation has been revised by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK).

Further information is available at www.bibb.de/neue-berufe (German only)

Point of contact: Tanja Weigel; email: weigel@bibb.de

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