Press release

There is no way around vocational education and training

Results of a BIBB company survey — opening of the BIBB Congress in Berlin

30/2018 | Bonn, 07.06.2018

In view of the future world of work and given the difficult conditions in the training market, internal training remains the ideal way for many companies to secure their requirements for skilled workers over the long term. These are the findings of a business survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), which were presented today in Berlin at the opening of the BIBB Congress “Learning for the future: VET of tomorrow - experience innovations”. Over 2000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which were involved in providing training in the 2016 training year, participated in the survey. The investigation was conducted as an example using ten training occupations; each with varying training market situations.

In the view of BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser the study’s findings illustrate that, in future, dual vocational education and training will also constitute a key cornerstone of and location factor for the German economy. “We must therefore do everything possible to strengthen initial and continuing VET in the working world of the future to continue to safeguard this proven method of securing the supply of skilled labour. Our efforts should include modern and attractive training and advanced training occupations, support for companies to increase their readiness and capacity for training and the further qualification of training personnel in all learning locations. The aim here is to exploit the opportunities of digitalisation in general and of digital teaching and learning media in particular.” He added that, in addressing all of this, the BIBB Congress will point the way ahead and in so doing will present the main issues concerning the possible organisation of vocational education and training in the future.

When asked for possible alternatives to internal training, the companies involved in the BIBB survey stated, as the most likely alternative, giving consideration to the appointment of career starters who had trained in the occupation in a different company. By contrast, much less consideration was given to other alternatives provided for discussion as part of the survey - these included the appointment of external experienced skilled workers, the employment of older skilled workers beyond the age of retirement, the appointment of bachelor graduates and the appointment of untrained workers.

The following training occupations were included in the survey:

  • Plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning Systems
  • Baker
  • Hairdresser
  • Restaurant specialist
  • Qualified dental employee
  • Electronics technician for industrial Engineering
  • Information technology specialist
  • Insurance and financial services Broker
  • Management assistant for retail Services
  • Mechatronics fitter

These training occupations from the fields of engineering, commerce, services and health comprised around 20% of newly concluded training contracts in 2016. The first five of the occupations referred to also have greater problems in filling training places.

The BIBB analysis “Is there an alternative for companies to internal training?” is available to download free of charge at www.bibb.de/betriebsbefragung (German only)

Image material is available at www.bibb.de/pressefotos

The BIBB Congress will take place today and tomorrow in Berlin with the slogan of “Learning for the future. VET of tomorrow – experience innovations” and will be attended by around 900 vocational education training experts from Germany and from around the world. In a total of six forums they will be discussing the current challenges and future organisation of initial and continuing vocational education training.

Further Information is available at https://kongress2018.bibb.de/en/

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