Press release

Germany and France pool vocational education and training research expertise

BIBB and CÉREQ renew cooperation agreement

14/2019 | Bonn, 12.04.2019

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn and its French partner institute Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (CÉREQ) in Marseilles have intensified their collaboration in the area of initial and continuing vocational education and training by concluding a new cooperation agreement.

“We have been working together in this field on a basis of trust since 1990,” stressed BIBB’s Director of Research Professor Hubert Ertl. “Now we will begin a new chapter in our cooperation. Article 10 of the ‘Aachen Agreement’ concluded between the governments of Germany and France on 22 January 2019 calls for closer collaboration and for the creation of Franco-German instruments of excellence for research, training and vocational education and training. Our joint aim is to imbue this objective with life.” Speaking at the formal contract signing ceremony, Professor Ertl went on: “In light of growing global challenges, BIBB and CÉREQ will pool their expertise via such vehicles as joint comparative and cross-border research projects.”  

Dr. Florence Lefresne, Director of CÉREQ, also believes that the conclusion of the agreement ushers in a new stage of cooperation. “Germany and France are both confronted with digital, ecological and demographic changes. The planned comparative research activities will deliver essential findings for public action in the field of vocational education and training and for the development of skills and qualifications which will be of central significance to workers of the future.”

BIBB and CÉREQ intend to engage more closely together on international comparative studies and on the development and implementation of joint research activities to look at issues including the impacts of digitalisation on training, qualifications, competencies and employment, and on topics such as inclusion, the institutional framework and VET stakeholders. The new agreement further encompasses joint publications and papers at specialist conferences and an increased exchange of guest academic researchers.

Further information on German-French cooperation in vocational education and training is available on the BIBB website at www.bibb.de/en/8975.php

Information on BIBB’s international cooperation partners is provided at www.bibb.de/en/5104.php

For more information about CEREQ, please visit www.cereq.fr

Contact partner at BIBB: Isabelle Le Mouillour, lemouillour@bibb.de

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